I like comics!
I have many comics.
So I introduce my favorite comics.
The right of this picture is "ONEPIECE"
The middle of this picture is "Kiminitodoke"
The left of this picture is "Bokunohatsukoikiminisasagu"
"ONEPIECE" is famous comic. This comic is excited and is impressed by bond of companions.
"Kiminitodoke" is about youthfulness love story. I can symopathze with this story.
"Bokunohatsukoikiminisasagu" 's story is sad and painful.When I read this comic, I was crying...
"Kiminitodoke" and "Bokunohatsukoikiminisasagu" were made into documentary films.
I watched both of them. Both of them was impressed.
Their comics are very nice so please read their comics!!